Breaking the cycles of addiction by creating pathways in, through and out of rehab

Aruka seeks to reduce drug deaths and improve the lives of those impacted by drug use and other life-controlling issues by providing clear pathways into residential recovery, advocacy and community recovery support. We seek to provide a faith-based, holistic, person-centred service that is open and available to all including those with multiple and complex needs.

Our Values

Relationship- We believe that relationship, connection and safe spaces are crucial in order to experience healing and freedom from addiction

Authenticity- We believe in the importance of honesty, transparency and accountability in all our practices

Dignity - We believe in honouring the worth and value of every individual

Faith- We seek to put the love of Christ and the hope of the gospel into action in all we do

Purpose- We believe that every person is created with a God-given purpose. We want to support our staff, volunteers and those we work with to flourish and reach their full potential

Our Services

Aruka Pathways Teams

Our pathways teams will help provide routes for clients to access the best residential rehabilitation option for them. We will provide clients support before going into rehab, to make sure people are as ready as possible to start their program. We will continue support and contact while our clients are in rehab. We will also provide the Aruka community aftercare program in order to help individuals find access to employment and training post rehab. Our aim is for our teams to engage with people over a prolonged period of time to help mitigate the chance of relapse and support our service users to achieve their long-term recovery goals.

Finding the best fit for rehab

At Aruka, we have strong relationships with many UK based residential rehab programs and a good understanding of the various types of rehab programs on offer. Many rehabs have different approaches to their recovery programs, and finding the best fit for each client is crucial in order to support them in achieving their recovery goals.


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07889 209 877